
4.1 Germplasm collection

Fifty six populations of A. paniculata were sampled (Fig. 4.1; Appendix I) from different geographical regions of tropical Asia. Out of 52 plant populations from India, 28 were from Kerala, 18 from Tamil Nadu, 2 each from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and 1 each from Assam and Maharashtra. There were 4 foreign populations, each from Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The two metapopulations collected from Western Ghats (Sirumalai, AP54) and Eastern Ghats (Nallamalai, AP56) consisted of groups of 9 and 2 local populations respectively. While each of the populations in the S (Sirumalai) group (S1 to S9) spatially separated by 1-5 km apart, the 2 populations of the N (Nallamalai) group (N1, N2) was from geographically isolated locations (allopatric) separated by at least 200 km. Each of the 11 local populations consisted of 2-8 subpopulations, sampled at 1 km apart.
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